Friday, 6 January 2017

If you could help a charity, which charity would you help and why?
How would you help the charity?

I think that if I could help a charity I would choose the Children’s Cancer Center in Lebanon.This charity was founded in 2002
The charity helps the children by giving them some treatments to fight cancer such as chemotherapy ,or other medications.
 I think that was a great idea to have founded this charity which takes care of those children.Unfortunately, those small patients don't enjoy life as they wish(playing some games...) .Instead of enjoying their chilhood   and doing some exciting games and activities ,they are isolated from the rest of the world.I really sympathize with these children.
I would help the charity by doing some galas, spread some awareness postesr   all over Lebanon so that people can  react and help the charity .Little  donations can help the charity provide necessary treatments to cure children.. I'm ready to earn some money to save children's lives

Address:hamra AUB
Mohamad Abou chahine

What do you think of Social Networking  sites?

I think that SN sites have advantages and some drawbacks.Firstly,SN sites are a great way to communicate with other people in our society.Now, we can speak with someone faster,we can keep in touch with our friends.
The drawbacks of SN sites are that we can have a spam or a virus.This leads to the decrease of the social relation.Moreover they distract us from the important things in life and leads to some negative points as shown in the school results

Mohamad Abou Chahine

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

Yes, I think the mobile is a great invention it can help you if you are in any sort of trouble. You won’t lose touch with your family and friends.

It’s a fast way to communicate between people. Now you can store any sort of media, games. And with the invention of the camera you can easily take any picture you like.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of SN sites?

SN sites are a good way to communicate with your friends. You can also communicate with a wide variety of people. But SN sites have their drawbacks. If you are addicted to SN sites you won’t have time to do anything and also it may cause issues in your day-to-day life. But SN sites are really fast for communicating with others. It’s just a few clicks away.

Which charity would you choose to help? Why? What would you do

I would help arcenciel, a charity organization, cause it helps the people that are in need of serious help or even the people who don’t possess certain limbs and help them obtain the limbs that are missing using materials that can be recycled. I would help this charity by collecting the bottles and bottle caps that people leave behind, or even the bottles that we use in our home. 

Jisr el Wati, Sin el Fil, Beirut, Lebanon