Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Which charity would you choose to help? Why? What would you do (donate/raise money –collect clothes – make a challenge)?

The charity that we would choose will be “MEEDA”. This association is for people with eating disorders. We ‘ve chosen this charity because we would like to save them from their disorder, help them become self-confident and healthier. In order to reach our goal, we can organize a sponsored aerobat with the help of sports centers, leisure centers and sports shops .All this is intended to helping skinny people with eating disorders. The money that will be raised from this event will be donated to the “MEEDA” and will hopefully save many lives.

          Mona GHORAYEB and Karim Tazkarji    3ème 4                                               

Friday, 4 November 2016


The charity that I would like to help is " Saint Joud” also known as  'Children's Cancer Center Lebanon' It's a charity that helps the kids who have  cancer
We hear a lot of people dying because of cancer or they suffer from losing they hair... so I will definitely cut my hair and donate it to the kids who need a wig if they feel better with it. 
 More than 300 people, including parents and families of Lebanese children are treated at St. Jude.  All  patients get a free treatment and without any discrimination, because " no child should die in the dawn of life".

CHERKAWI Lana 3ème 4
                    Which charity would you help and why?

           I would help the Lebanese Red Cross because they deserve  all the help they can get. These people help nearly all the citizens in Beirut, and at no cost. All the staff there are volunteers.

     This charity was founded on July 9, 1945 and it is a non-profit organization. They don’t get money from their hard work, all the money they gain is from donations and few people make some sizable donations. The Lebanese Red Cross are not racist; they help people despite their skin color or their religious beliefs.

HOUSSAMI Maher 3ème 4

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Which charity would choose to help? Why? What would you do?

I would help the “Children’s Cancer Center Lebanon” because these children  are struggling to live. I will ask every kid what  his wish is and try to make it come true it even if it may be something embarrassing like wearing a princess robe or I would face my fear and jump from a plane from a high altitude.

HAMMOUD Nadim 3ème 4

 Kout Al Kouloub Charity

Administrative Board 2015
President : Ghinwa Hajjar
Vice president: Sawsan Mohamad Ali
The post of secretary: Linda Hajjar

This charity offers a lot of helps to people in need like:

1- Health issues and medications

  • Pay doctors’ fees
  • Pay the cost of the medication

2- Financial aid

  • insurance amount monthly
  • urgent aid 

3- School aid

  • Teachers' insurance premium
  • Students' tutoring

4- Various activities

Mother's day

LADKI Aya.SABEH Assile & TAWIL Lynn 3ème 4

Monday, 31 October 2016

What are the advantages and disadvantages of SN sites? 

 The advantages of SN sites are that they are great to keep in touch with friends. You can help out people. They’re useful for events and educate yourself. As for the disadvantages, people can steal your identity and they are time-consuming.

Do you think the mobile is a useful invention?

The mobile is a useful invention because you can learn from the internet and keep in touch with your friends. The mobile phone can remind you of appointments you have and it's a good way to entertain yourself. The mobile is useful in case of emergencies.

LADKI Aya 3ème 4

What are the advantages and  disadvantages of Social Networking sites?

The advantages of SN sites are that you can still keep in touch with old friends or you can make new friendships online,You can spend time when you are bored and you can have the most recent updates. 
The disadvantages of SN sites are being cyber bullied and having people saying nasty things about you. Moreover, there is no privacy or you can be hacked and some personal information can be leaked and finally you start being addicted to it after a while.

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

Yes the mobile phone is a useful invention because you can communicate with people who live far away in another country. You can call for help if there is an emergency and if you need information about something you can find it online .Finally ,you can surf the net when you are bored. 

ATROUNI Yara 3ème4

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

Yes, I think the mobile is a great invention because it can help you if you are in any sort of trouble by calling. You won’t lose touch with your family and friends.
It’s a fast way to communicate with people and you can store any sort of media, games. And with the invention of the camera you can easily take any picture you like.

Which charity would you help? Why and how?

I would help Arc-en-ciel, a charity organization, because it helps the people who are in need of serious help or even the people who don’t possess certain limbs and help them obtain the limbs that are missing using materials that can be recycled. I would help this charity by collecting the bottles and bottle caps that people leave behind, or even the bottles that we use in our home. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking sites?
SN sites are a good way to communicate with your friends  and people from all over the world. They also bridge the gaps between countries.  SN sites are really fast for communicating with others. It’s just a few clicks away.
 But SN sites have their drawbacks. If you are addicted to SN sites you won’t have time to do anything and also it may cause issues in your day-to-day life.

ZAATARI Mohamad 3ème 4
What are the positive and negative aspects of SOCIAL NETWORKING Sites?
There are many advantages to SN sites. First, you can communicate with friends and share comments with them and also it is a good means to find childhood friends. However, there are also negative points. For example, you can face cyberbullying and viruses

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?
Mobile phones are useful because you can search on the web, chat with friends, play some games, watch videos on YouTube ... They can harm when used a lot.

YASSINE Rami 3ème 4

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking sites?

I think SN sites are a good way to express ourselves, by posting pictures of our new outfit and it is easier to express feelings. Also, you can learn someone’s life story by checking their page. It is also much easier to keep in touch with family and friends that live far away.
On the other hand, SN sites can have negative impacts on our lives for example on our privacy settings. Cyberbullying can be a problem as people can take advantage of the fact that no one can stop the bullying performed behind a screen. Social networking can ruin relationships as people get jealous and it can be a waste of time if we spend most of our time behind a screen not doing anything useful .

MNEIMNEH Khaled 3ème 4
      What are the advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking sites?

SN sites allow us to communicate with friends, family and we can also find old friends from school.
 But SN sites can be a waste of time, and we can also see a lot of cyberbullying, which can be very nasty. Sometimes, a lot of friends can send viruses.

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

The mobile phone is a useful invention because we can stay connected with our family and friends. Also we can find a lot of information on the Internet, which can help us with our homework.

                                                                      DERGHAM Leila 3ème 4

What are the positive and negative aspects of Social Networking sites?
SN Sites are used by many people all over the world. People use SN sites to make new friends, discover new places and send pictures of their daily life. The positive part of SN sites is that they can show events, get more friends and socialize. But everything has a negative side. Also cyber bullying could ruin your account which is really nasty.
Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?
The mobile phone nowadays is used by every single person in the world, some having up to three phones! The mobile has really changed the world. With that device you can call, play, listen to music, watch videos, chat with your friend and much more. I personally think mobiles are like a friend that know a lot of things and helps at any time. The only drawback is that it is very sensible and could brake fast. Maybe in the future phones will be under your skin, a bracelet or a glass like in science fiction movies. I'm really looking forward to the next design of the mobile phone.

Which charity would you be ready to help? Why and how?
The Children Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) is a charity with a lot of determination and courage. I would help this charity because it helps children who have cancer and it has cured over 1400 patients and has managed to obtain 80% cure rate. I think the CCCL needs the support of every one of us. To help them, I will organize events to gather some money which I will donate to them. 

HAMMOUD Joud 3ème 4
Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

I think that the mobile phone has many advantages, because it can help us in case of emergency and it is the best means of communication between people from another city or country, and for projects…

What are the positive and negative aspects of Social Networking sites?                      

In my opinion, SN sites are very useful but for people they are not. First, they have many positive things For example, we can spend our free time on SN sites because we can keep in touch with our friends, chat with them, keep in touch with our old friends and play virtual games, As for the negative aspects of SN sites, I can say that they can be time consuming. As a result, we don’t have a real life anymore. For example, we can stop hanging with your friends. What is more, some people can send spam or viruses, which can be  very nasty!

CHERKAWI Lana 3ème 4
Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention? 

I think that the mobile phone has many advantages, because it can help us in case of emergency and it is the best means of communication between people from another city or country, and for projects…

What are the positive and negative aspects of Social Networking sites?                      

In my opinion, SN sites are very useful but for people they are not. First, they have many positive aspects. For example, we can spend our free time on SN sites because we can keep in touch with our friends, chat with them and play virtual games, As for the negative aspects  I can say that they can be time consuming. As a result, we don’t have a real life anymore. For example, we can stop hanging with your friends. What is more, some people can send spam or viruses, whish very nasty!

                                                                        CHERKAWI Lana 3ème 4

What are the positive and negative aspects of social networking sites?

SN sites have become very popular over the last few decades because they help you connect with people all over the world and keep in touch with friends. You can also reach someone that's out of the country or someone far away. However, some people can become addicted and spend their time surfing the net instead of going out. Sometimes, SN sites are dangerous because not everyone is who you think they are, someone might be a threat, they might bully you, kidnap you and do much more horrible things. Or, you might be subject to cyber bullying.

Do you think the mobile is a useful invention?
I think the mobile phone is the most important invention ever for many reasons such as faster and easier communication, access to information and for emergencies.

TAWIL Lynn 3ème4
What are the positive and the negative aspects of Social Networking sites?

      Social networking sites are very useful in our lives because we can listen to our songs, post our photos, share our feelings with friends. They also make it a lot easier to keep in touch with family and friends. We can also make new friends
       Social networking websites are helping education to post club meeting times, school projects and homework.
        But there are many negative aspects to SN sites. They can lead to addiction. Moreover, kids can be greatly affected by these social networking sites if they are allowed to use them. Downloading your videos or pictures and copying your status is an easy task and can be done within few clicks.

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

         Mobile phones have become popular to everybody since it is very convenient. The advantage of a mobile phone is that it has made communication with our family and our friends easier by calling or sending messages. It is maybe the main reason why almost all people today choose to own a mobile phone. The mobile phone is very convenient because we can download
 applications, games, listen to music, or chat with our friends.

LABBAN Carine 3ème 4
What are the advantages and disadvantages of SN sites?

 For me, SN sites aren’t important. They have many advantages like communicating with childhood friends, keep in touch with long distance family members or friends, but they also have many disadvantages. SN sites take a lot of someone’s free time and SN sites users become addicted to them so they can’t see the draw backs and they start to spend less time with their family. I have SN sites accounts but I rarely use them.

Do you think that the mobile phone is a useful invention?

 The mobile is a very useful invention because it helps the communication between many people and in case of accident the mobile is a gadget that can help to call for help. But nowadays, people are using the mobile too much.

Which charity would you choose to help? Why? What would you do?
The charity that I will choose to help will be “ Caritas Lebanon” which is an orphanage. I have chosen this charity because I sympathize with the orphans who have lost their parents or one of them because I lost my father two years ago. So in order to help them, I will organize entertaining games/events and donate the money raised to this charity so that I can contribute to their happiness.

GHORAYEB Mona 3ème4

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

What are the positive and negative aspects of Social Networking Sites?

SN sites have a lot of positives things, like making new friends by chatting or videocalling. They are also useful for events, if you want to invite a friend to a party you can invite him by a message. SN sites have also some negatives things. It doesn't have enough of privacy, and there is some people that act like they are your friend by using their name but actually they are hackers. In my opinion, mobile phone is a useful invention that lets you chat with all the people around the world in the fastest way possible, and call them wherever you are.

Do you think the mobile phone is a useful invention?

In my opinion,the mobile phone is a useful invention that lets you chat with all the people around the world in the fastest way, and call them wherever you are.

                                                                                          Ali HARKOUS 3ème 4
What are the advantages and disadvantages of SN sites?

    Almost everybody has a mobile phone.But is it a great invention?

Mobiles have both advantages and disadvantages.
     The first advantage is that you can get connected with people around the world wherever you are.Secondly,you can use it as personal agenda, you can save your appointments and set up an alarm to them.
       On the other hand,there are also disadvantages.For example,people spend so much time on the phone instead of going outdoors and chat with other people face to face.Also,too many people are too obsessed for having the latest mobiles phones and are prepared to pay exorbitant prices to be the first on having an exclusive brand.
         In conclusion,although it’s a great advance getting connected every time you want and everywhere,people shouldn’t pay too much attention to mobiles phones and interact with other people in person.Lately it’s getting lost old ways of communicating like writing letters which is a more personal way to get in contact with friends.
                                                                           Karim Kombargi 3ème 4

Friday, 21 October 2016

1.   What are the positive and negative aspects of SN sites?
SN sites are useful to keep us up to date. They are also useful to keep in touch with friends and family members; you can also share photos, videos and ideas. However, they are time consuming and people can steal your identity from it.
2.   Do you think the mobile is a useful invention?
Of course the mobile is a useful invention because you can keep in touch with a friend or a family member. You can inform someone about something without seeing him in person. Nevertheless, the problem in mobiles is that they are time consuming.
3.   Which charity would you choose to help? Why?
What would you do (Raise and Donate money, Gather clothes or do a Challenge).
I would choose to help an orphanage, because these poor children have lost their parents or they don’t know where they are and no one can take care of them properly like there family. What I would do is that I will eat nothing but vegetables and fruit for a whole week and hope that people will donate enough money to help one charity or more.

 Maher ABOUDARGAHM -3ème 4